Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.

Professional News

Online Parent Support Group

Online Parent Support Group

Our Parent/Carer Support Programme is open again for registration. It will commence on 28th October at 7-8:30pm. It will take place every Tuesday for 6 weeks via Zoom. The programme is aimed at parents /carers of young people aged 11 – 15yrs and is FREE to join. This...

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Alcohol and Caffeinated Drinks

Alcohol and Caffeinated Drinks

Have you heard about the highly sugared and caffeinated strong alcoholic drinks which NIADA believe are being targeted at our teenagers and young adults today? With an alcohol content of up to 8% per can and caffeine levels more than a double espresso– it’s a...

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Got a story to share? — Suggest a news article to ASCERT

13 + 15 =

What will happen when you submit a suggestion for a contributor blog? ASCERT’s Marketing & Communications Coordinator will work with you to draw together a synopsis of your proposed submission. This will then be shared with ASCERT’s wider management team to ensure that the proposed contribution fits with ASCERT’s ethos, aims and operational remit (please note this process could take between 2-4 weeks).

Only if approved by the wider ASCERT management team will a potential contributor then be asked by the Marketing & Communications Coordinator to go ahead and prepare a full draft piece. Once submitted, the draft blog may be edited/amended by ASCERT and will once again need to be approved by ASCERT’s wider management team prior to any publication (please note this process could take between 2-4 weeks).

The contributor will then be shown the approved version and asked to complete a consent form that gives ASCERT permission to publish their contribution. Normally ASCERT prefers to identity ifs guest bloggers and it will be that guest blogger’s responsibility to ensure their submitted content does not mention another without that person’s express consent, does not defame or liable another, breaches the confidentiality of another or in any other manner is constructed and written in a manner that would breach any applicable laws or regulations. ASCERT’s Marketing & Communications Coordinator can help give you guidance based on these content restrictions.