Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.


Addressing alcohol and drug-related issues: Reducing harm and supporting positive change.

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery Groups We warmly extend an invitation to join us at these weekly meetings facilitated by ASCERT. Wednesdays 11am-12.30pm Omagh Public Library, 1 Spillars Place, Irishtown Road, Omagh BT78 1HL Thursdays 2pm-4pm Atlas Centre, 7 Bachelors Walk Lisburn,...


PBNI Addiction Service Service Overview ASCERT provides a dedicated service to clients of the Probation Board for Northern Ireland. The Regional Rapid Response Addiction Service is available to PBNI clients that are struggling with issues associated with their alcohol...
Self Help

Self Help

Self Help Resources Service Overview Self help materials are resources you can work through yourself to help you make changes in your life. We understand that not everyone is in a place where they want to speak to a professional service. Also, some people may be...


Training Discover more about our range of training and development...


Engage Service Overview The Engage service provides a family therapy programme available to professionals working with families experiencing problems. We can support to strengthen the relationships and functioning within the family will help repair and stabilise...