What is stepstocope?

Designed to support you when it gets tough.

What is stepstocope.co.uk?

The Steps to Cope website is designed to support you if someone in your family drinks alcohol in a way that is having an impact on how you feel. Steps to Cope can also support those living with someone who is misusing drugs or if they are living with someone with a mental health difficulty. Although we cannot stop your family member from drinking, taking drugs, or cure your family member’s mental health difficulty, we can help you to take better care of yourself, which may help you feel better.

If you select our “self-help” from the homepage, you will get access to the 5 steps that make up Steps to Cope.

The steps will help you:

  • to think about what life is like for you and help you understand your feelings about what can be a really difficult situation. 
  • get answers to questions you may have through the information that other young people who have been in similar situations have found helpful
  • look at how you cope and offer ideas of what you could try differently (if you wanted to)
  • see what supports you have in your life
  • think about what other help you may need.

Steps to Cope can help you in a number of ways.

Although much of the information on this site was originally developed to support young people affected by parental alcohol misuse, we expanded our work in the intervention and also in the information, to support young people who have been impacted by another’s drug misuse or mental health problems. As such we have also decided to provide information on what young people may face, either on their own or alongside alcohol misuse in the family.

These can include:

  1.       A family member’s mental health problems
  2.       A family member’s drug use
  3.       Young people who are struggling with their own substance misuse
  4.       Young people who whose circumstances have changed e.g. they are in foster care, but who are still affected by issues from their childhood.

This information can be found in our “Resources” section on the homepage.

Steps to Cope is part of ASCERT. To see if ASCERT can offer you any other support call us on 0800 25 45 123.